For the 2024-2026 biennium renewal, All CME required by the rule of the Board may be obtained by completion of courses offered in a distance-learning format.

Currently, the FOMA offers the following online courses:

  1. Domestic Violence (2 Hour)
  2. HIV/AID’s (1 Hour)
  3. Menopause and the Modern Woman (1 Hour)
  4. Opiate Alternatives to Pain (1 Hour)
  5. Sleep Disorders (1 Hour)
  6. Optimizing Immunity Through Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, and Nutritional Supplementation (1 Hour)
  7. Bioidentical Hormones – How they Impact Health as Men & Women (1 Hour)

    The DEA requirement is 8 hours. A provider needing all 8 hours may fulfill their responsibility by completing this 6-hour course, in addition to the Florida mandated 2-hour Prescribing Controlled Substances course.

    FOMA Members may take the course complimentary ($99 for non-members) by calling the FOMA for the discount code at (800) 226-3662 or emailing

    • Opioids and Controlled Substances (2 Hours)
    • Florida Laws, Rules and Medical Ethics (2 Hours)
    • Prevention of Medical Errors (1 Hour)
      For More FOMA CME Classes Click Here

      ​“On-demand accredited educational content must be purchased through the CME Center ( or CE Broker to be eligible for continuing medical education credit. Individuals purchasing content from unauthorized websites are ineligible to receive continuing medical education credit.”